Nerf War

A Nerf war is the proper term for a battle between two groups made up of a predetermined amount of players. Often teams are equal, but some may allow teams to be unequal in order to balance skill levels. Common places to have wars are in backyards, indoors, and sometimes in wooded or urban areas.

Rules of Engagement

Under ordinary rules, players are allowed to use any type of Nerf blasters they possess. Typically, only blasters are allowed, but some groups allow melee weapons under the N-Force license. Players usually establish rules before the game starts. The two basic rules are:

  • A player can take a certain amount of hits before declared "out".
  • A player is limited to fighting with Nerf weapons only. Punching, kicking, hair-pulling, etc. are strictly looked down upon.

However, players can establish other rules, such as banning certain weapons, using one type of weapon, limiting weapons or accessories, and other such rules. There are many ways to customize Nerf wars, so few are the same.

Types of Nerf War

Capture the Flag: Two teams can either go for one flag or defend their own and capture the other, much like in Dart Tag.

Assault and Defend: One team defends a predetermined area while the other attempts to get to capture it.

Fort Wars: A variation on Capture the Flag. Flags are kept inside "forts" (e.g. fenced-in areas, garages, other fortified areas) and the players attempt to infiltrate the other team's fort to retrieve them. If a player is hit they must return to their own fort before heading back out into the fray.

Hostage: Both teams give one player to the other team. The teams each hide and/or guard their hostage, and confiscates their weapon. Then both teams go out and try to find their hostage, engaging any hostiles along the way. Whichever team rescues their hostage first by bringing him/her back to base wins.

Nerf D-Day: A mass version of Team Deathmatch played inside a large building or in a huge, wide-open space. Introduced by SourceofFaith, the first known Nerf D-Day was played in 2009.

High Value Target: Similar to Team Deathmatch. In each team, a VIP is chosen and he or she can take far more hits than an average unit. The objective of this game is for one team to kill the other team's VIP while defending their own. The VIP may only carry a small side-arm, or no weapon at all. Traditionally, the two most inexperienced players can become VIP. Also, High Value Target may be a fun way to intruduce new players to Nerf wars.

Team Deathmatch: Full-out team-based combat. Recommended for 6-12 players of varying skill level.

Free-for-all: An all-out war between all players.

Humans vs. Zombies: Those on the Human team are armed with Nerf blasters, and attempt to fire down the Zombie team without getting touched by one. Humans touched by Zombies become "infected", and turn into Zombies themselves. Zombies are not allowed to wield weapons, but cannot be downed easily and can quickly grow in numbers by converting Humans if they are careful. Zombies that are taken out are down for the rest of the match, even if they were previously Human. The Human team wins if all Zombies are defeated, and the Zombies win if all of the Humans are converted to Zombies. This game has three different modes:
  • Team Zombies: Zombies and Humans are on two seperate teams split up evenly. Recommended for a large group of inexperienced to somewhat experienced players.
  • Solo Zombies: One Human player goes up against a team of several (usually 4-8) Zombies. Recommended for advanced players
  • Infection: Like Team Zombies but with a few changes. The humans should have many players and the zombies should have three at the maximum. If a zombie gets out, they run to the respawn point. If the humans survive for 10-15 mintues, they win. If the zombies infect everyone, they win. Advanced players should start out as the zombies while the humans should have all the other players.
Juggernaut: Recommended for several adventure-seeking players. The game starts as a free-for-all, and plays out like a normal game until someone gets the first kill. That person then becomes the "Juggernaut", and becomes more powerful, making their shots one-hit-kills and doubling their life. However, this means that all the other players will side against the Juggernaut. The player to take out the Juggernaut becomes the next Juggernaut, demoting the previous Juggernaut to a regular player. Gameplay continues until either one person has become the Juggernaut 3 times, or a player manages to stay the Juggernaut for more than five minutes in one life. In both cases, the current Juggernaut wins. Time limits may be set, in which case whoever is the Juggernaut when the time is up wins.

Hunters and Enforcers: In Hunters and Enforcers, there are two equal teams made, and the game plays similar to Cops and Robbers. The Hunters try to kill all of the other players, the "Enforcers". Both teams try to outsmart each other to win. If all Hunters are killed and/or captured, then the Enforcers win, but if the Enforcers are killed, the Hunters win. Enforcers can try to capture Hunters for more points, but Hunters may have a chance to escape. If there are multiple Hunters, then they can help each other escape. Neither team is allowed to respawn. Recommended for a large number of players that are all of similar skill level, preferably all more advanced.

Covert Siege: Two teams are set up: One team is the guards, and the other is the infiltrator. The guards, typically spread out, try to protect a designated area. The infiltrator tries to move past the guards unseen to reach the objective The infiltrator may use blasters to take out the guards, so long as it is done quietly. However, if the infiltrator is spotted, all guards will rush to the scene and overwhelm the infiltrator who will then lose. If the infiltrator reaches the objective, then the guards lose. There can be multiple infiltrators working on the same team, or even multiple teams of infiltrators working against the guards and each other at the same time, as long as there are at least 3 guards for every 1 infiltrator. Recommended for 1-3 advanced players with several inexperienced players.

Berzerker: This is a quite simple game. One team has only blasters and the other will only have melee weapons such as axes, marauders, tomahawks, etc. The team with the melee weapons are Berzerkers. Traditionally, the Berzerker team will have a select few players who can take several hits before getting out, but the exact number of hits can be changed according to the number of players that are attending the war. The blaster team will try to take out the Berzerkers, but they have to be careful since Berserkers typically can get members of the blaster team out with just one hit. The Berzerkers are also allowed to throw their weapons at any opposing player, especially tomahawks. The blaster team, however, is not allowed to pick up the Berzerkers' weapons during gameplay. Recommended for any experience level.

Face-Off: Only two players are used in this game, and both try to dispatch each other. Whoever kills the other player first is the winner. Typically, the game consists of a single match but can also be a Best of Three or Best of Five. Games are typically high-tension and are best played in smaller areas due to there only being 2 players, such as inside a few rooms of a house or confined to a small backyard. No respawning is allowed. Recommended for two players of equal skill level.

Absolute Face-Off: Just like a Face-Off, except there is only one match, and each player can kill the other in one hit. Tension is typically extremely high. Best played if each player only has a single round (dart) loaded in their Nerf blaster. This game mode is very good for quickly ending disputes or settling a score.

Trenches: Quite like Team Deathmatch, but with a major twist. There are two teams. Each should team should have an equal ammount of players. Each team has a "trench" and they must stay in it. (It's best if the trenches are 15-25 feet apart and each team have extra ammo and extra blasters.) Each team must try to eliminate the other team without leaving the trench. Each player has 3 lives. Best for intermediate to advanced players.